Monday, October 26, 2009

My First Poop Story

So, my little one is now at an age where she says, "poo poo?" after she poo's in her diaper. So, I figure it might be time to try and potty train her. So, the other day after her breakfast I could tell she needed to poo. Thinking it would be a perfect time to put her on the toilet, I removed her pants and diaper and sat her on the potty, and I squatted next to her. She smiled and showed interest in the toilet paper and swung her legs and all. But, she would not poop. I tried to immitate the pushing sound you make when you're constipated, thinking it would help her understand what I'm trying to get her to do. But, alas...all that happened is she also mimicked the sound and smiled. Within a few minutes, she was ready to come down. BUT I KNEW SHE HAD TO POOP. WHY WOULDN'T SHE POOP??? She was so restless, so I took her down and put her on the floor. I looked at her for a second...she was wearing no diaper.

Should I run and go get her wipes? It's all the way on the opposite end of the house...ya, I'll just hurry.

So, I quickly went to grab the wipes and on my way back, I saw her standing several feet away from the bathroom in front of our bedroom door in a half standing/half crouching poop position!!

OH NO!!! Would she poop right there? Would the floor get soiled?

I quickly grabbed her and ran to the bathroom, thinking all the while whether or not the quick swooping motion had caught her off guard and maybe that would prevent her from actually pooing. Or would it have any affect at all? Would she just spill her poo as I'm running across the den? AAHHH!!

I finally reached the bathroom entrance, scooted in to place her firmly on the toilet and just as her bum reached the potty seat...PLOP. Thank God! The poo made it into the toilet! OH. EM. GEE!

What a morning!

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