Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top 3 reasons NOT to get an abortion

3. The abortion doctor can accidentally tear your uterus - the tools they use to perform an abortion are long, thick, sharp or a combination of the three. In the most common abortion procedure, multiple sticks of laminara (absorbant dilators made from plants) are inserted into your cervix to help stretch the opening (or a series of increasingly thick dilators are inserted). The doctor will then use a vacuum to suck out the baby. In addition, the doctor may insert a curette (a loop-shaped knife) through your cervix into your uterus and scrape out any remaining parts of the baby - this is where you take a chance of having your uterus torn. The doctor does this procedure blindly, using only his hands as a guide.

2. You'll always regret having an abortion; you'll never regret NOT having one - A study by a group of experts in Spain has revealed that 80% of women who have had an abortion suffer symptoms of depression, while 40% have considered suicide. Other symptoms that affect women who suffer from Post-Abortion Syndrome. These include sexual dysfunction (40%), drug abuse, especially among adolescents (30%), behavioral changes (60%) or irritability (70%). “The suicide rate is between 6 and 7 time higher than in women who give birth,” the study finds. (

1. You could die - I know of someone who's life ended on the abortion table.

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