Monday, October 26, 2009

Considering abortion?

So, I had a conversation with an 18-year old the other day. She was pregnant and was considering abortion. She currently lives with her boyfriend, and she does not get along with her mother. She told her parents that she would not get pregnant and now that she is in the state that she explicitly said she would not be in, she wants an abortion.

Does this poor girl realize that 84% of women who have had an abortion wish they never did?? It does such a number to your psyche and to your physical body. It is truly a devastating way to rid of your inconvenience. Some people compare abortions to having your appendix's just a simple surgery and once it's over, you never have to even think about it, they say. If that's the case, why are there soooo many "After Abortion Grievance" programs and clinics and specialists? Why are there not any "After Appendix Removal Grievance" programs? Abortions do not just kill the unborn child. It takes with it a part of the woman's pride and her ability to love and even possibly her ability to carry future children.

If you are reading this and are considering abortion, please please...I urge you to contact a pregnancy center who will help you sort through the details. You really need to be well-informed before making such a drastic, life-altering decision.

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