Thursday, October 29, 2009

Little Gabby

Gabby is 2 1/2 and was born with Downs Syndrome. She just learned to walk 2 weeks ago, and this was a praise God for all her Therapy she does Weekly. She has 2 Occupational therapies a week and 1 physical therapy a week. She communicates mostly with sign language but works with her speech therapist weekly to learn more words. She can be like most children stubborn and the terrible twos, but due to her developmental delay she works every other week with a Developmental specialist to help bring her learning to a higher level. She is a sweet little girl who loves to smile and always keeps a good disposition. She had heart surgery at 4 months and still sees many doctors like Physical Medicine rehab, Dental, Opthamoligist, EENT, because children with Downs have delays in many of their systems. Regardless, she is a loving child of God who wants to play and blow kisses. We are blessed to have her in our life. The Downs Syndrome Guild ( DSG )of Dallas has been instrumental in helping her family cope with a child with special needs and providing classes and activities for children with Downs.

The DSG is having their annual Buddy Walk™ in Dallas on Sunday, November 8, 2009. The DSG is an organization that is committed to being the leader in enhancing the quality of life, and realizing the potential of all people with Down syndrome. The Buddy Walk™ is designed to promote awareness and inclusion for people with Down Syndrome, as well as to raise money to support local and national education, research and advocacy initiatives. Needless to say, it promotes a cause that is close to the family's heart.

If you would like to give, please do so here: Donate Here! - Detailed instructions below...
  1. Complete the contact information
  2. Scroll down to gift information
  3. Drop down to Buddy Walk®6.
  4. Write "Gabby Gogetters" in the “comment box”

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