Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just trying to watch a video...

Why is it so difficult for me to watch a simple DVD at my house? At a normal person's house, all you have to do is stick it into the DVD player and push play, but at our house, I live with Inspector Gadget himself, so watching a DVD is not a simple operation. Hubby was out last nite, and I wanted to let my baby watch her "Sign language DVD"...I tried following all the steps hubby had taught me...turn on the playstation, then use the playstation joystick to access the playstation, then switch to the TV remote and choose "Component 1" from the "Video Source"...or was I supposed to choose "HDMI4"? Then, switch back to the Playstation joystick ... What the hell? What does that mean anyways? Why do I have to go through 15 steps before I can watch a DVD? It just doesn't make sense. But, I don't think BJ understood my frustration when I called him yelling while he was in the middle of a business meeting. Oops.

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