Sunday, October 11, 2009

Abortion - it's still debated

Why is abortion is still a hugely debated topic? Why is America so split on the issue? I think it's because the liberal side sees it from the woman's perspective and the conservative side sees it from the unborn child's perspective. The sad but interesting fact is that abortion, in its early stages, never linked the abortion procedure to a woman's right. Rather, it was self-seeking revolutionists who found a way to advocate abortion to further their cause:

Margaret Sanger, a prominent feminist, wanted to promote her ideas of eugenics, economics and sexual liberation by advocating abortion. Her organization went underground after eugenics became unfavorable following the Holocaust. It resurfaced later as the Planned Parenthood Federation. Sanger and other zealots of the feminist movement tried desperately to tie the agenda of abortion to it. (Elasah Drogin, Margaret Sanger, Father of Modern Society)

Then you have an abortion doctor, "Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who says that in the 1960s, he and his fellow abortion-rights strategists deliberately linked abortion to the woman's issue so it could be furthered not on its own merits but on the merits of women's rights. Abortion rode on the coattails of women's rights." (Randy Alacron, Why Pro-Life?)

How horrible is it that the murder of an innocent unborn child is now popularly believed to be an issue of women's rights, a cause that was pushed in a time when women did not even have the right to vote? I'm telling you, it's the agenda of the self-seeking. And the mass public is blindly & innocently following.

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