Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Lately, I have had the privelege of reading some of June Hunt's material. She is a Christian life counselor and has the most amazing insights into life's issues. Today, I learned about Hope...there is a difference between the hope that the world offers and the hope that God offers. Secular hope is an optimistic view that is probable because it is based on things of the world, which change. Biblical hope is an optimistic view that is certain because it is based on God, who does not change.

For instance, a secular view of hope would be a hope in education; but the problem is that education does not guarantee fulfillment. To contrast, a hope in the redeeming power of Christ does bring fulfillment. "The Lord redeems his servants, no one will be condemed who takes refuge in him" (Ps. 34:22)

Again, a secular view of hope would be hope in your finances; but the problem is that financial power can be broken with economic crisis/failure. To contrast, a hope in the resurrection power of Christ does bring security. "Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy."

So, what I'm learning is that each time I put my hope in things of this world like the government, or a job, or even in my physical abilities, I am putting hope in something that is temporary, something that can easily change. Instead, I need to put my hope in the unchanging and steadfast Word of God.

"Hope anchored in God's character will hold in any of life's storms because of His faithfulness." --June Hunt

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