Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Job Overseas

Would you consider taking a job overseas? I was considering this possibility and happened across this article that addresses most of the issues one would have with this idea.

For me, personally, I don't think I could do it...especially not with having my family settled here and all. I don't know how I could live in a place where I know no one and where the culture is completely foreign. And then, all of a sudden....I wonder....how the heck did my parents do it? How did their siblings do it? This is exactly what they did! They were in their 30s or so, with their future ahead of them and they had to make some tough decisions....where do they live, in India (where all of their family resides, where foods they like to eat are readily available, where the language they speak is familiar to all, where the climate is what they're used to and where the culture is one in which they grew up) or America...where EVERYTHING is foreign??!!!

My parents were pioneers, venturing upon the unknown, taking chances and risking everything. WOW. What bravery. How did they do it? THey were so bold. If only I had half of what they had....


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