Sunday, January 24, 2010



I really did try to watch it.

We got tickets for the 3-D movie, found a baby-sitter for our baby, drove a distance to the 3-D theatre, walked all around to find somewhat decent seats (people had reserved seats an hour in advance!), ended up sitting seperately and put on the 3-D glasses to enjoy this new movie that everyone couldn't stop talking about! BUT....less than half-way into it, I had to walk out.

I had to walk out because my conscience wouldn't let me sit through this movie, no matter how good it was, and listen to the actors blasmphene God's name. When I first heard them use His name so casually, I let it go. Then a few scenes later, I heard 'Jesus', and that was a real bummer because there is sooooo much power in the name of Jesus (I doubt the writers have a clue). And, then...just as it started getting good, I heard a God-da***t....I actually sat there for a few seconds pondering my options; should I wait for another blurb or should I walk out now? I finally decided it was too important to let this go. My conscience wouldn't let me sit through the movie.

I was so upset! Why do they have to use God's name in vain? I mean, really...does it make any difference at all to the movie's flow whether they use it or not? I don't think so. And yet, so many movies, so many really good movies are so dissapointing because the blasphemous use of God's name is so rampant! I'm sooo upset. I really wish they would stop.

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